Hey yozzzz , peepo ! , DJ HERO CAME OUT ALREADY ! (i think im in heaven !) LOL . ^^ Awesome stuff there ! (above photos .) So COOLIOS ! :D but i don't think i'll be getting it , so sad . SHINGZ . (!) wtf , so saddddddddd .
Kayes , today we went to NEWater factory , in bedok (i think .) Guess what , our tour guide is the same guy from the army museum . -.-'' I thought he had a twin brother or something , cuz' he looked so familiar when i first saw him . TSK ! Ayeee , NEWater was actually okayes lah . Not say horrible , (*as long as it's not in a bottle .)
Went back home , and my dad asked me what i wanted to eat . I (obviously) , said sushi . And he actually agreed . (something's fishy here .) After my awesome and wonderful dinner , my dad suddenly said : 'Okay , time for you to take your flu jab .' ( i actually forgotten , and THERE'S HIS MOTIVE .) wtf ! , ayeee , super super nervous while waiting . But the doctor super pro , he pinch my arm (where he was gonna jab me .) and i didn't FEEL ANYTHING . Then he was like : 'DONE .' And i was : 'WAH , so fast ?' SCARYYYYYYYYY ! but AWESOMEEEEEE ! :D
MLIA's :
-Today , in one of my classes , we learnt a computer command called 'finger' , which lets you look up user activity by person . Our professor said somewhat enthusiastically : '.... and you can finger other people or yourself ! ' whereupon he paused and smirked while the entire class proceeded to laugh like crazy . Sexual innuendos never gets old . MLIA .
-Today I had to do an English essay for my English class . Instead I played Typing Maniac on facebook . My mum walked by and heard me typing very fast , and congratulated me on working so hard on my essay by going out for ice cream that night . I never actually finished my essay . MLIA .
LOL , the above is a tip for peepo doing essay's . HAHA ! :D
Okayes , well , see my BOOBOO tomorrow . BYAH .