Thursday, July 9, 2009

So many bright lights to cast a shadow.

Currently listening to: Knock you down by Keri Hilson, Ne-Yo, Kanye West.

Harlow world. I am so fucking bored. Arghh, why'd you knock me down fer'? );

Anyways, today was preetaye slacky. Fn'C was 'oh so boring' and it goes for art too. LOL. Maths was okay, as we didn't have our test, but in the end realized that we had so much homework to do. diao. Physics was sooo boring, the only thing that caught my attention was when mr chan said something about like charges repel and unlike charges attract, and LOL, he was using Yi Heng and Jun Liang as his examples of uncertainty. As those two were touching each other and they were 'like' charges that were supposed to repel. Don't get the wrong idea though. HAHAS!
Chinese was super slack. Although I managed to finish the Maths Homework before class was over. Blasting music rules. \m/ \m/ :D

kkaes, bye !

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