Friday, October 30, 2009
Rain sticks on like GLUE !
Okayes , in the morning it already started to get fun . HAHA . Read this , :
Ntjy : Hannah , did you go to the dentist recently ?
Hannah : Yeah , (and gave the HOW'D YOU KNOW face .)
Ntjy : Well , becuz' your shoe's sole has a sticker that has a big white tooth on it .'
Me & Xiao han & Hannah : HAHAHAHAHA !
LOL , it was total crap . I thought Nicolene saw Hannah at the dental shop or she saw something different in hannah's teeth/tooth ? HAHA ! btw , the video that Nicolene was talking to leafy , ain't gonna be here . It'll be somewhere else . LOL . OHMAIYGOD , school's ended already , and i'm gonna miss all the friends that i have known this year , mainly the whole class (excluding LC , and someone else .) :D Thanks for being such awesome and fun friends to be with the whole year . It was kinda troublesome and boring at first , but least you were still there ! (: (:
ROFL , well . Just now at KFC , we had a convo bout some peepo . (NO OFFENSE HERE !) :
Wenci : All china people are prostitutues . (REALLY NO OFFENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Me : HUH ?, even ______ . !
Xiao han , wenci , teng jiao , sasha and nicolene LOL'd so LOUDLY ! (okayes , me too .) :X
Teng Jiao : Then what , Wu Xing is gigaloo arh ?
Sasha : HAHAHAH !
Yeah , and everybody burst into laughter at this point already . and xiao han was like , : 'MY STOMACH HURTS FROM LAUGHING !' ROFL . ^^
After finishing our $24 meal treated by Mr LHJ , went out and noticed that we are stuck in the stupid rain . -.-'' AND THE RAIN WAS LIKE SUPER SUPER HEAVY WITH TORNADO . or kinda , im exaggerating abit here . LOL ! Okayes , im tired , gonna go FACEBOOK . :D
Byahhh !
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
OKAY , anyways , read this please !, : Dear GOD , please help Vanessa Teo to get the subject combinations that she wants . And help her drain any bad luck lurking anywhere or everywhere . Protect her from evil spirits . Thank you . AMEN .
Okayes , well that's done . Back on ICY TOWER , and I still cannot beat Nicolene's score of 5000+ , unlocked a new tower , (disco tower!) ^^ HOORAYE ! and im really addicted to the game now , everyday i go home , it's no longer MAPLESTORY , but ICYTOWER . sheeeeeeeeeeesh ! :\
WELL , let MLIA relieve me of stress :
-Today, I found out that my name means Little Lamb. My mum's name is Mary. Mary had a little lamb. MLIA .
); sighhhh , it's sad that there's nothing good today in MLIA . ! RAWR . ):< gotta go and play ICYTOWER yozzzzzzzzzz ! bya !
Monday, October 26, 2009
Damned if i do ya' , Damned if i don't

And I had my lunch with xiao han at bout' 5pm . -.- My tea break already ! LMFAO . anyways , summary is 'TODAY SUCKS' . DAMNED IT . WELL IT SHALL END IN AN HOUR , HERE COMES A BRAND NEW DAY AND 2 MORE BRAND NEW SONGS . HELL YEAH .
Saturday, October 24, 2009
LOL , so uhhh , today had to wake up at 7.30 am , so that i am able to go to schoolio for some Umpiring skills stuff . haihhhh , was tired like crap . xO Went to schoolio , and into miss khai's room , and the thingy started already . (sorry , my vocab sucks .) LOL . Yeahh , after an hour of boring-ness , went on to have some hands-on umpiring , which i didn't do . ;\ well , nehh minds . -.-
Okay , then went back home , and like ate lunch . i was so friggin' tired , so i went to nap . (: (: Yeah , then my annoying brother woke me up , and told me that my dad was gonna turn on the teevee and watch FlashForward . Sighh , the rest of the evening was spent in the most undesirable way , watch teevee till 7pm . Then had dinner , over the dinner table , parents fought ! (SCARY) , and i broke a spoon . oops , butter fingers . :D :D
Ayeeeeee , so boring , guess your falling asleep already . LOL . -.- So i'm gonna make this post much more entertaining by returning to MLIA's :
-Today , another female and myself walked into a previously empty restroom at the same time . After we had both entered our stalls , and had been sitting in silence for a moment , she said , : 'Well , this is awkward .' I don't remember ever laughing that hard in my life . MLIA .
-Today , i got into a car accident . I then came home and checked my facebook , and i had a friend request . From the kid who hit me . MLIA .
-Today , i accidentally said WTF in front of my strict catholic aunt . She wanted to know what it stood for , and thinking of a previous MLIA , I told her it stood for With The Family . When i checked my facebook , i noticed her status was , 'WTF , I LOVE YOU GUYS !' MLIA .
LOL ! , im done here . (; byebyebyebyebye !
P.S i wanna give a shoutout , to all my friends , that PRE-PAID AND TOP-UP CARDS SUCKS . FTL . and FML , for having a pre-paid number .
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Well , ima bored shitz . -.- Currently listening to Keith (not from PEIRCE) doing screamo covers of songs on youtube . SUPER PRO . i cannot -.- ! Anyways , today was HELL FUN . (:
Anyways , i'll skip most of the day to Home Econs . :D Well , as it was getting boring , decided to entertain myself by writing on the board . LOL . James came and since i was really bored , i asked if i could have a Brand Naming Competition with him . He agreed , and so we started . Few minutes later , when the board was one-quarter full already , peepo started coming . HAHA , wenci , ming xuan , vivienne , and other peepo whom i have forgotten . Ayeee , very fun ! ^^ Filled up half the board , thanks to the peepo , who like helped lah . :P FUNNEST .
LOL , and then , when the whole thingy ended , i had to clean the stupid board , ): LOOLLOLOL !, then i sat down , saw James drinking water and decided to do something nasty . I don't know if it is , but that was what Yi heng said (?) . I poked him in the ribs ?, i don't know , it's fats lah . o-o LOL , he choked on the water anyways . LMAO .
Hmm , then don't know why Jun Liang suddenly come , and then challenged him to an arm-wrestle . LOL . Jun Liang used the table and 2 hands , while James only used one hand , still lose . o-O'' that one i still cannot understand . Defying the laws of physics i guess ? HAH . RANDOM . (oh , and the video is below . ignore my fucking gay voice btw . and really sorry that it's on the wrong angle . :S :S Just turn your head to the left for 9 seconds . :D kayes , thanks and enjoy !
Cyaaaaaaa , next time ! -DJ VANNNNN
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Heyyyyo , what's up ! :D
HAHA , currently listening to Pixie Lott's songs (BOYS AND GIRLS!) !
So well , today was F-U-N . !! Had soccer matches in the morning with other classes (which i found difficult and almost irrelevant to play .) and well , the score was really bad . Anyways , Win or Lose also nevermind , soccer is weird for me anyways . After recess , we went to collect our test's paper ! ^^ (Like F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!)
Ayeee , here are the (lousy) marks luh :
English Paper 1 -44/60
Paper 2 -36/60
Oral -29/40
Chinese Paper 1 -43/70
Paper 2 -46/70
Oral -23/40
General Science - MCQ -21/30
Part 1 (Physics) -12/35
Part 2 (Biology) -23/35
Maths Paper 1 -41/60
Paper 2 -32/60
Geography -51/100
Literature -30/50
Home Econs -63.5/100
Yeahh , yeahh , that's all . :S LOUSY TO THE MAX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.- Anyways , then we headed to the hall (which i kinda regretted) for Talent time . It was okay , HAHA . And I wanna make a point here and APOLOGIZE , sincerely and wholely from my heart to xiao han . ): Cuz' i keep on commenting and singing . HAHA ! paiseh . :$ LOL . ^^
AHA , after school , went with (in random order thanks) jingyi , wenci , hannah to amk hub . :D
And got Oyster Mee Sua , from the taiwan shilin street (i think that's how you spell it .) ^^ .
YUMMY ! DELICIOUS ! AWESOME ! ... (after 1 hour) . :P
Okayes , some MLIA ! ^^ :
-Today , i was at a train station , between platform 9 and 10 . On one of the columns , there was a sign that said : 'Please do not try to run through .' It made my day . MLIA .
-Today , a someone had accidentally lodged a pen in one of the office printers . Someone had printed out an explaination for why the printer didn't work , but apparently failed to read out of their handiwork . Our new office legend ?
HAHAHA ! , ;D FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY . x)))) okayes , gotta go ! Byaaaaaaaaa !
Friday, October 16, 2009
well , exams long over now , waiting for the scary results (and im definitely sure i failed physics) .
well anyways just wanna sayy :
HAPPAYE BIRTHDAYE CLIONA YONG FERN ANNE ! ( MY BESTIE ! ) I LOVE YOU ! your my number one , awesomest friend . ^^
well , back to the post yes ?, LOL . so like today , weird day . Class was split into groups and my group was assigned to do the banner thingy for the sec 4's and 5's . Most of it was Xiao han's idea , :D . And it turned out preety okayyyy luh . Don't really care if win or lose right ?, what's with that mr PHUA's problem !, keep on wanting us to win a medal ? (or trophy) what gives ? -.-''
After my group, (consisting of the following peepo : Xiao Han , Pui Suen , Wei xin , Wen ci , and me . ) finished , we went back down and listen to the 'oh-so-boring-shit' talks . sighhh , i had them last year and the day before already , was sleeping anyways . LOL !
After schoolio , went with xh and cherlene to amk hub and eat , while they went to watch 500 days of summer . i went to acs (inter) , pass my bestie birthday gift . (: (: HAHA , well , hoped you like it ! :D :D :D (thought that counts right?)
Ayeeeeeeeee , boredom sucks shit , and im falling sick sick sick . -.- ! i keep sneezing , mothar fucker . -.-'' -.-'' well , here are some MLIA's peepo (hope you like what i've chose ! ) :
-Yesterday was my parent's anniversary. I found out that Dad had proposed to Mum on April Fool's day so if she said 'no' he could claim it was a joke. MLIA
-Today, my aunt and I were talking about the name of her beauty salon. She wanted to call it Curl up and Dye, but thought that it may be inappropriate. Her salon is across the street from a funeral home. MLIA
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
IMA HAPPY PERSON , cuz' today was the last paper which is a.k.a D&T . Waiting for PCK on channel 5 to come on , and like tomorrow is EL ORAL ! and then it's a HOLIDAYY . ^^
After today's paper , me and xh went to J8 and had late breakfast/early lunch (?) HAHA . Then since we wanted to watch FAME , and GV hasn't opened yet , we decided to take the mrt to amk hub . and GUESS WHAT , 15 mins till the next show , 11.05 pm ^^ YAYHOOOOOO .
LOL , today's okay i guess , have been reading lot's of peepo's 'MLIA's' , and it's really awesome !
Here are some ( and btw , i think im gonna put up more in this blog , for self-entertainment) :
-Today, i met a girl named Unique. She had an identical twin sister. No one else laughed.
-Today, I was looking for a Halloween costume. In the store i was in, there are signs organizing the different types of costumes. I decided to look under the "Terrifying Creatures" assortment. The first costume? Hannah Montana. I like this store.
OKAY , well these are some , out of the many hundred thousands . I WAS BORED . -.-''
Byaaaaaaaa ! :D
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Hihihihi , PEEPO ! :D the above video is edward goldman during the acs (inter) CELEFEST '09 . HAHAHA ! the last part is the (Y) one , where he fell and created a hole . poor ang moh .
Okay okay , i just did some math's revision , and got bored . x_x what's wrong with peepo these days ?, maths also must pass . Paper 1 was AWESOME . Paper 2's on Monday . ): ): WELL , I SHALL ROCK . \m/ \m/ . B)
My phone's money is currently 71cents , >:( GAY . stupid thingy , why must i use prepaid , sometimes LIFE IS SO UNFAIR . :@ changed my msn btw , sorraye if i didn't add you ! , must tell me if i didn't .
Okay , mum's telling me to turn the laptop off and study again . (let's out a long a deep sigh) EXAMS PUH LEASE FINISH SOOOOOOON . Byaaaaa !
-VEO . \m/ \m/ .
Friday, October 2, 2009
HAHA , kiddin' !, i have nothing better to do anyways !, WELL .
firstly , HAPPAYE BIRTHDAYE DADDYYYYY ! (L) thank you for buying the headphones from America ! (: YOUR THE AWESOMEST DAD EVERRRRRRRR ! B) AND I LOVE YOU ! :D
HAHAHA , today was quite funnn , ! (: (: after school that is . heehee ! Went to TP with Weixin , Banana (Teng Jiao lulz) , Natalie , Jun Rong , Wei Jin , Ivan , James , Wu Xing , and yeah that's bout' it . ;P ( Nicolene said it was too HAWT , and thus she stayed in school . ): ) ROFLLL !
I ate Minced Meat NOODLES ! (Y) (Y) . LOL , drank the soup . yummmmmyyy , dunno why TJ and Weixin say it has alot of MSG . !!! ? i really don't know , anyways , i continued my soup campaign and finished up JR tea soup ? . LMAO . that's what he called it . HAHAHA ! Delicious !, but he said it sucked . -.-''
During Geog remedial , i got really bored and since LC was like one row and one table away from me , i did something nasty . >:X HAHA !, i took out some staple bullets and started throwing at her hair one by one , some managed to get stuck , and when weixin (who was beside me) saw it , laughed really loud . :D LAWLAWLAWL . my bullet's ran out though , and then weixin started to take the lit paper and tore it into tiny lil' pieces which she then threw into LC's hair . HAHAHA !
One of the pieces got stuck in her hair and i was like laughing really loudly , but not loud enough for mrs chung to hear that is . (she ignored me . pffft !) HAHA , then LC tried to get it off her hair by scratching her left , right and top . It failed miserably , the paper was still there !, i think her hair is an ELECTRO MAGNET . HAHA ! ;)
Went to XH house aft remedial , i was searching the drains for money . HAHA , me and nicolene . MONEY-FACE SIAL . $_$ but , nobody dropped any so , a pity . we found nothing ! ):<<< @xh house , i remember hearing nicolene farting . HAHA ! , oops :X and xh was like laughing so LOUDLY , i can't hear my niga higa talking . -.-'' LMFAO . HEEHEE , i played hotel626 . NOT 61 o.o LAWL .
OKAY OKAY , i gotta goooooeyyyyyyyyyyy ! , got dinner to catch somewhere . (: (:
Thursday, October 1, 2009
YOYOYO , PEEPO ! EOY is approaching , and im not assured that i will pass my science and maths . ): (BIG LOUD SIGH HERE .) ): ): ):
LOLLOLOL , life suckkkss , i seriously cannot believe that 2009 is gonna end any month now .
HAHA , this is the video taken during drama , quite awhile alr . Only 2 seconds , cuz' BANANA , kinda ruined it . ):<<<<
OMG , I kept on writing till i totally forgotten about the fish , so it's kinda CHAO DA now . -.- omg omg omg , im gonna have chao da fish for dinner . GAY .
OKAY OKAY , battery running out on this laptop .