Harlow , today's gonna be a short short post , as im running out of time and i feel like some drunken bastard . :X (JOKE) .
Kayes , today was somewhat boringinginginging to the core of the earth . (YAWN.) School was like some tortise/snail , took like a hundred light years for it to end . LITERALLY . -.-'' I remember sleeping for like 1 hour and a half ! :D Then during CME , Mrs Wong was sharing her awesome grandmother stories . So , I asked Xiao han to play brand naming game with me (which she OBIVIOUSLY won .) , yeah whatever . ! :P Hmm , then I actually wanted to play 'Artist' naming game lulz , but then no time already . BLAH BLAH BLAH . ): if not i could have gotten my point back , WELL ; look on the bright side , there's tomorrow ! (HOPE.) :D
After schoolio , had to stay back to do NYAA . And it made my butt hurt LOADS , although i got to listen to screamo while doing it . (YAY.) ^^ LEMME BE LAME , AND NAME SOME , ATTACK ATTACK , THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA , AGRACEFUL , BULLETHEWORDS (not really , sorta . i guess .) , SENSES FAIL , DANCE GAVIN DANCE , ALESANA . YEAH YEAH . \m/\m/ . B) Kayes , after what seems like kazillion human and light years , I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> still have not finished it . LOL . -.- (sorry it took so long , those were the inserted and more human light years.) HAHA , gay fag . (!)
And I had my lunch with xiao han at bout' 5pm . -.- My tea break already ! LMFAO . anyways , summary is 'TODAY SUCKS' . DAMNED IT . WELL IT SHALL END IN AN HOUR , HERE COMES A BRAND NEW DAY AND 2 MORE BRAND NEW SONGS . HELL YEAH .
-eh , where's my BOOZ . :$
byahhhhhhhhhhhz , (FALLS ASLEEP HERE.)
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